
Tag: book reviews

What I’m Reading: I Served the King of England

Bohumil Hrabal was a Czech writer who wrote during the Communist period.  His works were considered anti-revolutionary, I suppose.  In any case, I Served the King of England, which Hrabal finished in 1971, circulated in underground editions in the 1970s and was not formally… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: I Served the King of England”

What I’m Reading: Becoming Mr. October

So here’s my baseball book for this year: Becoming Mr. October, by Reggie Jackson.  I saw it on the New Arrivals stand at the library and picked it right up.  Reggie gives us a few chapters on growing up in a small town in… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: Becoming Mr. October”

What I’m Reading: How to Write a Damn Good Novel

Like most of these how-to books, James N. Frey’s How to Write a Damn Good Novel has some good advice and some truly god-awful advice.  The thing is, I bet a lot of writers who read this book say the same thing, only we’re talking… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: How to Write a Damn Good Novel”

What I’m Reading: The Reason I Jump

The Reason I Jump was written by Naoki Higashida, a thirteen-year-old Japanese boy with autism.  Though unable to verbalize his thoughts in normal speech, his mother created something called the “alphabet grid” that allows him to communicate.  He has both a keyboard version for typing… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: The Reason I Jump”

What I’m Reading: Grind Joint

Grind Joint is another Writers of Chantilly book, this one by long-time member Dana King.  It’s a hard-boiled mystery about a good cop, “Doc” Dougherty, in Penns River, a once-prosperous but now dumpy industrial town.  The title refers to the new casino in town–a grind… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: Grind Joint”

What I’m Reading: A Journey to Self-Publishing

A Journey to Self-Publishing is another one by a member of the Writers of Chantilly.  The author here is Kalyani Kurup, who gives us a brief (five chapters) but charming memoir of her experiences as a writer and her misadventures in the publishing world in India… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: A Journey to Self-Publishing”

What I’m Reading: Red Flag Warning

A couple years ago somebody got me the book The Big Burn by Timothy Egan, because the person knew “I like history books.”  At first this seemed like a terrible choice.  Sure, I like history, but a book about a forest fire in Idaho a… Continue Reading “What I’m Reading: Red Flag Warning”

What I’ve Been Reading: The Wonder of Girls

The Wonder of Girls, by Michael Gurian, is a companion book to one I read a couple years ago, The Wonder of Boys.  The two books attempt to fill a gap in how our society understands the minds and behavior of girls and boys,… Continue Reading “What I’ve Been Reading: The Wonder of Girls”